Artem Rumiantcev

RubyOnRails Developer

About Me

Hi, my name is Artem, I’m 33 years old and I’m a full stack web developer with over 10 years experience currently specialising in RubyOnRails development.

I’m most skilled in: Ruby, Javascript, Rails, React.

During my career I’ve been mostly working with web applications and I’m used to being responsible for diverse tasks like frontend, backend, code review, team managment, team composition, team leading.


Business software for talent acquisition agencies (EPAM)

Key Developer

Aug-2021 - May-2022

I resolved tasks related to technical debts and delivered new features related to UI. Established best practices related to testing of microservices. Conducted technical interviews and was responsible for team composition. Resolved old issues from error tracker.

Ruby, Rails, JavaScript

Meeting & Events Tracking System (EPAM)

Team Lead

Jul-2020 - Jun-2021

During my time at this project I worked as a RubyOnRails developer and a team lead. I was one of a management team who was in charge of task estimation because we have strict deadlines. Besides that, I was responsible for team composition, task coordination and conducted interviews with new applicants for the project. As a developer I was in charge of code review, implementation new features related to third party integrations, refactoring legacy code.

Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, Dokku, React

Life Sciences & Healthcare (EPAM)

Key Developer

Nov-2017 - Jun-2020

It was my first experience working with such a big international company. I met a lot of security requirements related to authentication and authorization with using JWT, barrier tokens, antiviruses, vpn and so on. I was part of a team that worked on a suppurt portal. My responsibilities were related to delivering new features and integrations with third party services.

Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, React, Oracle, PostgreSql

Team Lead

Jun-2015 - Mar-2017 is a huge distributor of industrial tools. I had started working as a key developer and half year got promotion to a team lead. During that time I was working there I was in charge of:

  • Maintained multiple ongoing projects;
  • Architected and coded business critical and complex web systems;
  • Assisted with interview and hiring process for new team members;
  • Designed new features and services to support client applications;
  • Estimated effort for architecture, design, and development tasks;
  • Optimized the application for maximum speed and scalability, and SEO requirements;
  • Prototyped and created code reviews;
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams;

Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, MongoDB, Elasticsearch


Middle Developer

Jun-2012 - May-2014

I was part of a team of very talented developers. We had a fun and implemented self-startups. During this time I was in charge of front-end tasks.

Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, Websockets

Middle Front-end Developer

Jun-2010 - May-2013

Menutka was a startup for aggregating and searching restaurants. I attended to the project as front-end developer and was responsible for:

  • Created and implemented a custom CSS grid system;
  • Performed HTML and CSS coding of front-end interfaces, including cross-browser support;
  • Optimized pages for page speed using Google Page Speed (API);

JavaScript, Knockout.js, RubyOnRails